Video! Hitting targets at the lope

I have a new helmet cam! It is the AKSO EK7000 Pro I found on Amazon. It comes with a remote control you wear on your wrist. I'm still getting the hang of it but so far it super easy to work with! The clicking sound in the video is the camera case, the GoPro I had in the past used to make the same sounds. 

Joe and I practiced all winter. I shoot on the ground far more than I shoot off his back, he doesn't need to be drilled, but I sure need the practice! When I ride I work on getting him to carry himself at the walk, jog and lope. He's getting stronger and can maintain a consistent pace and rhythm at the lope for longer periods of time without contact. When he falls on his forehand and rushes I stop and back him up or break to a walk and change direction before loping off again. My goal is always to get him back in balance and on his hind end without pulling on his face. We ride in a Zilco flower hackamore, it's basically a step up from a halter. 

I love the rush of hitting the target at the lope! I have an "Intro to Horseback Archery" clinic I'm attending in June. Hopefully when the world opens back up again we can get to more clinics and even a few competitions. 


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