
Showing posts from November, 2019

Thumb Draw is my jam!

Last week while watching countless YouTube archery tutorials I had a minor panic attack when I thought I had been drawing my bow wrong for the past 2 months. I shoot righthanded and I line my arrow up on the right side of my recurve bow. I quickly had to tape the base of my left thumb due to fletching burns. My bow doesn’t have a shelf, or a left or right. I couldn’t remember why I had started with the arrow on the right side of the bow, but it was working for me. In the first few weeks I always shot to the right of the target, and it seemed my eye didn’t line up like all the institutive archery instructors said it would, but each night that I practiced my groupings were getting tighter and closer to the bullseye. I found a few more videos that assured me my draw was correct for mounted archery. Only difference was they all used a thumb draw with the right hand and I was using a three under draw which I preferred to the Mediterranean draw. So great, one more thing to learn – the t